Sunday, 5 September 2021

In the Beginning, Bunnies Were Big

Some of my earliest book memories involved bunnies

The first is Fussbunny: the story of a bunny who doesn’t like anything (mostly food) and, as a result, no one likes him...except his mother. She finally invites other animals over, feeds Fussbunny some of their food, and he discovers he likes it. He is happy the animals now like him, except his mother...she LOVES Fussbunny.

The second was Home for Bunny: a springtime-themed, wonderfully-illustrated story about a bunny searching for a home. He interviews various woodland animals about where they live. After assessing several unsatisfactory options, he finally finds a fellow bunny who invites him into a cozy underground nook, and he is home.

I guess I was like many other kids: cute furry animals are usually a big hit. But I was also drawn to depictions of the comfort and safety of home, and the unconditional love of a parent or caregiver. These themes still resonate strongly with me.

And that is really the crux of my blog: sharing the books that have mattered to me and kept me reading. While I’m tempted to explore these chronologically, I think I’m going to shake it up a bit and introduce books as the spirit moves me. I also hope to enlist some guest bloggers over time to share some of the books that have hooked them.


1 comment:

  1. Bunnies are big news with the small humans right now and I’ll definitely be looking for these! Thanks Maureen
